The thing about the better escorts is you will really enjoy your visit and there are no last minute games
“And you won’t get laid at 10 o’clock at night. You get laid at 2 in the morning. People are there to enjoy themselves and experience as much of Vegas as possible. So trying to hit on them early will not work.
“What I do at 10 is plant the seed. I talk to girls, then ask where they are going to be later. Or I tell them where I’ll be later. ‘Let’s meet there,’ I’ll say. Sometimes they might be there and sometimes they might not, but it’s happened before and like I said, at this time of the night it’s just planting seeds. If a girl does say she will meet me somewhere later, I always go back and check. You just never know.”
“So, getting laid in Vegas is not really a longshot, like winning that giant car at the big spin wheel.
The ‘Dollar Bill’ Theory
One of LayVegas’ key elements is attitude. As well as a certain willingness to adjust his latitude on his ideal physical attributes of a girl (and not only in Vegas, but at street parties, festivals, concerts, etc.). He calls this the “dollar bill theory.” We’ll let him explain: